DPS-MIS exhibited ‘ART  ATTACKS’ (Art Exhibition)

DPS-Modern Indian School students of class I and II put up ‘ART ATTACK’, an art exhibition to mark the end of a successful term.  The different exhibits presented were prepared from empty coke tins, egg-cartons, empty thread reels, egg shell, bottle covers, tooth picks, old CDs, macaroni, almond shells, pop-corn, match-box, scotch bites, buttons, plastic spoons and paper. They were helped and supervised in their creative work by their teachers.  Students made flocks of sheep using macaroni and paper, empty juice cans to make dolls, paper plates for wall hangings, coloured paper for table mats, rags and bits of waste cloth for octopuses, scotch –bites for bears in teddy land, creatures and fencing using egg cartons, paper mache bowls were also part of the exhibits pen- stands using ice-cream sticks, jewellery out of painted macaroni, flower vase using empty springales cans, disposable CDs for fish match-box for bedroom and sitting room furniture, plastic spoons for Chinese dolls in china- town well equipped with brightly colored lanterns.


The importance of environment conservation is highlighted with exhibits of colourful flowers made of paper followed by drawings and placards with messages for saving the melting snow and protecting wild life on earth.


Students also exhibited a Project on the story of Goldilocks and Three Beans.


Over all, it was an amazing exhibition which held the visitors spell -bound.


The Exhibition was inaugurated by DPS-MIS President Mr. Hassan Chogule. Also present for the occasion were Mr. Rocky Fernandes (DPS-MIS Vice President), Mr. Harish Kanjani (DPS-MIS Joint Secretary), Ms. Asma Nainar, Principal S Mattu and school officials.


A large number of parents and students visited the Exhibition and admired the students’ work under the guidance of their class teachers and Activity Coordinator Ms. Madhu Negi.



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