DPS - MIS Alumnus Shines
DPS is delighted to announce that alumnus Ankita Singh has been granted an Australian Government Scholarship to pursue her PhD at University of New South Wales (UNSW), Sydney. She ranked 3rd in terms of academic performance across the entire UNSW Engineering Faculty, she can start her PhD right after Bachelor's Degree which is a rare accomplishment.
Ankita graduated from DPSMIS in 2013 and was the school topper in her batch. After her schooling in DPSMIS, she joined UNSW, Sydney, for her Bachelor of Petroleum Engineering. She was awarded the UNSW Faculty of Engineering Student Service Award for 2016 , established in 2010, and she was the fortunate to be the First Winner of this award. Please followthe link below:

https://www.facebook.com/UNSW. Petroleum.Engineering/photos/ a.612306792163654.1073741828. 602666803127653/ 1245390315521962/?type=3& theater

https://www.engineering.unsw. edu.au/study-with-us/awards- prizes/faculty-of-engineering- student-service-awards

DPSMIS is proud because of its Alumni and their association with the Alma Matar.