DPS MIS-Senior Wing Annual Day Celebrations 2014-2015
'Lose yourself in generous service and every day can be a most unusual day, a triumphant day,
an abundantly rewarding day!’
- William Arthur Ward
DPS-Modern Indian School’s senior wing celebrated its the 14th Annual Day with zest and grandeur on December 10, 2014 in its state-of-the-art auditorium. The cultural extravaganza, based on the theme ‘Service before Self’- in giving we truly receive- the motto of DPS-MIS, was an attempt to commemorate all the altruistic souls who epitomize selfless service and inspire the younger generation to follow their footsteps.

The function was graced by the Chief Guest, Ms.Buthaina Al Ansari-Founder and chairperson of Qatariat T&D holding company and Senior HR Director, Patron, Ms. Aisha bint Mohammed Bin Hammam and her sister Ms. Fatima bint Mohammad bin Hammam ,President DPS-MIS Executive Committee-Mr. Hassan Chougule, Vice President and Director IT-Mr. Yasir Nainar, Director Administration- Mr..Rockey Fernandes, Director Transport &Security-Mr. Azim Abbas, Director Facilities-Mr. Harish Kanjani, Past President DPS-MIS Mr. M.I Farid, other distinguished committee members, Principals of various schools, parents and other eminent guests. The privilege to extend a warm welcome to all the gracious guests for the day was vested on the Head Boy, Master Ajay Menon (XII B) the Head Girl Ms.Agnes Sharan(XII A) President, Student Council – Girls, Ms. Vatsala Singh(XII B), Student Council – Boys Master Vishal Dumont ( XII –E) President, Activities -Boys, Master Sparsh Arora(XII A) and President, Activities - Girls, Ms.Nikita Bhattacharjee (XII A).
The programme ushered in with the rendition of the verses from the Holy Qur’an by Master Ibrahim Ahmad Faiz(VII H) and the same were rendered in English by Ms.Fida Sulfi Kar Noor(VI B). Thereafter, the air inundated with the melodic musical presentations by the senior wing school choir in unison with the school orchestra. A scintillating welcome dance entranced the audience with its vibrancy and colour.

Head Boy, Master Ajay Menon (XII B) and Head Girl Ms.Agnes Sharan(XII A), in their opening remarks, expressed jubilation on being a part of a prestigious institute which has provided them with versatile opportunities.

President DPS-MIS, Mr.Hassan Chougule commenced his enlightening speech with an adept quote from Mahatma Gandhi reiterating the importance of community service-‘The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.’ He mentioned that each individual is born alike; however, it’s our actions and training by our parents and mentors who shape us throughout our lifetime. We at DPS-MIS live our motto ‘service before self’ and thus advocate the practice of inculcating the value of selfless service in the students’ routine; making them the true sentient beings of the future.

The vestibule vibrated with voluble applause when Chief Guest, Ms.Buthaina Al Ansari-Founder and chairperson of Qatariat T&D holding company and Senior HR Director, mentioned the Indian community as the best international community in Qatar and they work hand in hand in the development of the country. She expressed her happiness to see such a huge gathering which is an evidence of the strong bond between the parents and the school.
Addressing the gathering, Principal, Ms.Asna Nafees said that it is believed that an organization achieves excellence when its people toil tirelessly and selflessly with a vision and a mission. The stupendous results in the Board Exams are the testimony of the determined and punctilious efforts of the students and the teachers. DPS-MIS students excel in almost all the realms and earn numerous awards and medals in countless national and international competitions and the institution is recognized as one of the best schools in the Gulf region.She expressed her sincere gratitude towards the great visionaries of the management committee for their unconditional support and valuable guidance and the parents for their wholehearted co-operation.
The occasion unfurled the saga of accolades and achievements accomplished by Class XII (2013-2014) in Board Exams. Honours were also bestowed on the virtuosic wunderkinds of classes VI to XI for their extraordinary all round performance in the academic year 2013-14. They were festooned with trophies and certificates by the distinguished guests. Teaching and the non-teaching staff of DPS-MIS who have completed 10 eventful years were awarded with a memento for their dedication and sincerity. The academic coordinators Ms.Soma Bhattacharjee (XI &XII) and Ms. Mary Cruz (IX &X) were felicitated for the exemplary board results (2013-14). The brochure for the occasion was also released by the esteemed guests.
Headmistress, Ms. Mou Bera in her opening remarks about the program defined the true essence of ‘service before self’ with the special mention of the Nobel Peace Prize winners-Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai. She stated that DPS-MIS firmly believes in ‘service before self’ and the show is a testament of it.

An exuberant display of talents – a feast to eyes and ears -was the main attraction of the day. The Cultural Fiesta embodying the theme Service before Self’- in giving we truly receive was a blend of colors, flairs and verve. An AV was also played to introduce the theme.
Segment 1 Social Reformers represented the contribution of two legendary heroes – M.K Gandhi and Nelson Mandela who possessed the exemplary virtue of service before self as they released the society from the shackles of discrimination. Segment 2 Dedicated Saviors focused on Florence Nightingale and pious-hearted Udasi Sahu who incessantly toiled and unremittingly served the people to make their lives significant and wholesome. Segment 3 – Uniformed men was an appreciation of all the soldiers who keep vigil on the borders and fire-fighters who spend countless hours in the service of mankind and exhibit high sense of duty, discipline and obligation towards their country. Segment 4 hailed the Young Brave hearts – Gunjan Sharma, Hali Raghunath Baraf and Dungar Singh who showed unassailable courage and signified the truest spirit of service. Segment 5 Revolutionaries was a salute to all the brave sons of the soil who lived for the country and still live in the pages of history. The 6th segment showcased Mother who personifies love, selfless sacrifice and strength.
Various contemporary, classical, and folk dances of different Indian states were interspersed with the skits and evoked great admiration from the audience. All the inspiriting glimpses from the lives of the immortal souls conquered the hearts of the audience. Grand Finale, the celebration of the noblest virtues-commitment, patriotism, courage, self- sacrifice, truth and dedication, earned a thunderous applause.

President, Student Council – Girls, Ms. Vatsala Singh(XII B), and Student Council – Boys Master Vishal Dumont ( XII –E) proposed the vote of thanks . President, Activities -Boys, Master Sparsh Arora(XII A)and President, Activities - Girls, Ms.Nikita Bhattacharjee (XII A) anchored the formal function. DPS-MIS students once again proved that a dream could be turned into reality through inspiration, perspiration and togetherness.

Curtain call was an appreciation of all those who were directly or indirectly involved in the success of the function.

The spectacular event was planned and coordinated by Headmistress Ms.Mou Bera, along with a dedicated team of house wardens and teachers, under the guidance of Principal Ms.Asna Nafees. It concluded with the national anthems of Qatar and India.