Situation of Gaza Children

Situation of Gaza Children

Recently, two events have been taken place in the media highlights which struck me to think.

First one, Universal children’s day has been observed on 20th November in different parts of the world with very good message to initiate action to benefit and promote the welfare of the world's children.

Second one, attack on Gaza strip civilian building by Israel and counter attack by Hamas group on Israel. Thank God on 21stNovember, due to interference of Egypt, Qatar and Turkey the cease fire becomes possible. After hearing this news, children and parents who found protection at schools run by United Nation in Gaza, cheered and clapped.

Doesn't it mean that in realism human actions are against the documented wishes of United Nations as well as common civilians?

On flashback of one week I read that on 18th November, the deadliest missile strike in northern Gaza City by Israel which hit a three-storey building, killing nine members of the Al-Dallu family - five of them were children. While on the next day of 19thNovember one more missiles struck residential area in the Gaza which flatten the building and also damage several nearby homes. This strike killed adults as well as children, and injured 42 people.

It has been reported that within a week time, many children had lost this beautiful world before they could see it and 175 have been badly injured. Since 2000, in this attack vs. counter attack action (in the name of self defence) almost 2,000 Palestinian children have been killed across the GAZA strip and 400 Israeli children also have been killed in the same time frame.

On reflection it tells us that on war like situation, most affected human beings are innocent children either they lose their life, parent or shelter. They eventually become orphans or street children. The pathetic life, unspeakable miseries and suffering faced by street children due to hunger, starvation, non-availability of basic human need and medical treatment is obvious.

It is also alarming that such affected orphan or street children are most vulnerable to various social evils. The exploitation and depriving them from life's very basic needs may turn them into dangerous anti-social elements which causes immense and permanent harm to the society.

I ponder “why” all of these?

As common man we can say; while we are recognizing that combating the issue of the “Protection and Promotion of Street Children” at every level is very essential, but it is more essential to think & work to avert such situation as “prevention is better than cure”.

I believe that rather than diplomatic call it is more of humanitarian call. So any self defence action by any agency on civilian area, schools, hospitals, residential building which actually kills innocent children should be strongly condemned.

May be much more robust response required from developed nations to address this humanitarian call.

As a teen age boy I wish UN wishes become action soon.






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