Heat Stress and Preventive Measures

The   month of May through September are considered to be the hottest period of the year in the state of Qatar. Heat Stress is a major concern during this time of the year.



What is heat stress?

  • Over exposure to heat

  • Body dehydrated

  • Body unable to regulate and maintain normal body temperature of 37oC

Mild and Moderate warnings symptoms


Decrease energy and slight loss of appetite
Nausea and light headache
heavy sweating , thirst
giddiness, headache, confusion

     Serious signs of heat stroke………..

Throbbing headache and mental confusion

Rapid heartbeat, difficulty in breathing

Dry skin , vomiting, diarrhea

Muscle cramps


Preventive Measures


Promote intake of water every 15-30 mins interval even though not thirsty. Also drink fruit juice  

Provide light snacks, salted biscuits to promote drinking of water

Do not over expose yourself in sun.
Encourage less protein / fats diet
Consult the doctor if on medication
Check colour of urine    

Wear cap whenever you are out in the sun.   

First Aid

Help victim to cool off.


Rest in cool place.


Shower or Sponge with cool water


Transport to hospital quickly


Do Not :  Give the person anything by mouth if the person is Vomiting or 



Call 999: If the person loses consciousness


Regular PT classes will also be suspended from 27th May, 2014
Swimming classes will continue till further notice.