Ready, get set, GO!

The colourful models are lined up against the freshly painted walls of the Pearl Hall. Students a running about, putting the finishing touches to their projects. There is last minute frenzy. Tension is seen on the faces of teachers and students as they hurry around to make everything perfect. Everyone is waiting eagerly for the Chief Guest, Mr. Adil Eltigani, and the Judges to grace the occasion with their presence.

How it all began,

Students from grades third to twelfth were all given topics before their summer vacations. They were told it was for the Social Science Exhibition. There was an enthusiastic response from the students. Immediately, students began working on their projects, determined to make it the best project out there. And finally, on the day of the exhibition, the students’ hard work was reflected in their projects. Students accompanied their projects with great big grins. Everything fits like a perfect puzzle piece.

We, the press team are going to take all of you through the Exhibition. We will tell you the best models, bring you exclusive interviews and ground gossip!



A few examples

Chetan Atul Bhorse, working on his project just before the exhibition, says that he is excited about the exhibition. He believes that people often see a river but do not think about it. So, he has got his project to explain this to people. At the time when we met him, he was preparing for the presentation.


Naseeha Ummer of class 9 A, said that she thinks that the exhibition was a brilliant opportunity for children to showcase their talents and creativity. She said that learning out of the book indeed proves to be very boring for many students, and such exhibitions help people to learn something in a different way, and that when people do these projects, and learn about new things, and when they share their knowledge with others, ultimately it proves to be a great learning experience for all the people involved in the exhibition. She said that while doing her project, she learnt more about her topic and felt that others did, too.

Arun George, etc. are presenting a model which shows how the underground hot water geysers work.

Aryan of class 3−A animatedly described his project about the different modes of transport which are used. He has joined wooden pieces to make a helicopter, train and a ship. The train and tracks were painted by him.

Students did their hard work and made a working model on the Accounting Equation.


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