Judges and Teachers
One of our dear judges, Mrs. Naba Hussain, noted that it was a wonderful experience, and that the confidence and creativeness seen by class 6 was simply exciting and interesting to watch. She refused to comment in detail, as she didn’t want to spoil the suspense of waiting for the results, but she noted that it was indeed a brilliant job done by the students and teachers to organize this exhibition.

Sunita ma’am mentioned that we have gone too far learning in the old fashioned way from books, and that children, when doing such projects, they learn knowledge which helps them in practical things.
Our school management team’s member, Mr. Rocky Fernandes, felt that it was a wonderful experience, and he was especially pleased to see the Commerce section. He noted that he had attended the Science exhibition too and he thoroughly enjoyed it, and he didn’t expect the SST exhibition to live up to the Science exhibition. But when he saw the models, he realized that indeed, the exhibition lived up to it’s name, and that indeed it was a “Chetna” (warning) for the people who saw it.

Mr. Shakeel Ahmed, another designated judge, said that this exhibition will help our young generation, to join hands, learn to work together, and translate their ideas into action. He said that if our future generation is moulded properly, then our world is going to safe hands and we can be assured that our motherland will rise above in it’s level of state.

Another judge, Mr. Mohammad Shafi, said that it’s a brilliant job done by the students, and that a lot of hard work, patience, and creativity has been put in to this, and that was clearly seen with the exhibition.


Interview with Sapna Ma’am-“A lot of hard work has been put in by the children and also the teachers and the whole exhibition is brilliant and amazing. All the projects are equally good and efforts have been put in by the students and its really difficult to judge”

Rajeev Sir noted that as an SST teacher, he is extremely proud and pleased that the school has organized the exhibition, and that he’s pleased with the zeal, energy, creativity, and intelligence that the children who participated have shown in the exhibition. 

Tanmai Ma’am, jokingly mentioned that the exhibition is a result of her student’s hard work, and her headaches. Well, it’s very rare that we students get such opportunities to trouble our teachers, and we cherish such opportunities to do so, and the models and projects that we have come up with are not bad either.

Shivani Ma’am noted that it’s a great opportunity for students to do something out of the box and that students, while working on their projects, actually learn something with a hand−to−hand experience and that people working on these projects had a great learning experience. 
Bhushra Ma’am said, this is an exhibition of social sciences, commerce and environment topics. Basically, we gave the children the topics way in advance before they went on their summer vacation. This gave them enough time to work on the topics, the creativity and their project. Theses topics were given depending on the level of their classes. She is happy with the way the children have laid it out. 
Sabah Ma’am said that it was a fabulous exhibition. Even the 3rd standard students worked very hard on their projects. The hard work can really be seen in the models. She asks the students to keep up their hard work. 
Shaloo Ma’am was really pleased with the projects and that the students did a great job. She wants to thank the principal for giving the commerce section an opportunity. Bombay Stock Exchange and Accounting Equation (working model) which actually proves the accounting equation taught in class by her. Students did hard work, made a working model on the Accounting Equation. Sahil Gupta put in a lot of efforts (BSE) made his project a really interesting and important one. Students from 9th and 11th volunteered and worked very hard in the past week to make this exhibition what it is, and without their and the teacher’s help, it wouldn’t have been the same. Vending Machine and ATM looked very realistic and the Departmental Store, Geetha Rajeshwar, Divya John Joseph, Maria George, Wayne Faleiro they volunteered for the projects and they did a wonderful job making their projects look realistic.

Mrs Jasmine T Varghese a teacher of Birla Public School visited the 3rd standard and the 4th standard charts and models and this is what she had to say: “When we consider their age it was fantastic” she felt that the children presented it very nicely and she also felt that the 3rd grade were more creative than the 4th grade. She told that the projects and the models were very informative. She had a very nice time at the exhibition.
Arani Sir, was busy as always, but he did find time to comment that he’s pleased with the work he and his students have done a great job and that he’s pleased with the work, and that it’s going to be a great exhibition.

Mr B.Venkatish expressed our exhibition in one word “FANTASTIC”. He described each project as a masterpiece. He couldn’t compare any project because of the way it had been made. We he came to our school he was impressed and fantasised by the students creativity and by the way the presented it. He believes that in the present world even a scientist or mathematician must know social skills like behaviour etc. without which he will not be successful.
 Mrs. Alia Begum who visited the exhibition on the request of Mattu ma’am is a  teacher from Kendriya Vidhyalaya in Hyderabad. She visited all the exhibits and was impressed. She also mentioned that she felt that the students made the exhibits on their calibre and upon their syllabus. She really appreciated the work of the senior school taking in account the rain water cycle and water harvesting. “I really appreciate all the students who took part in the exhibition. 
Mrs Kanaka Sathy Nair, the HOD Social Studies in Birla Public School. She visited the 6th and the 7th exhibits. She was very impressed with the exhibitor’s abilities as they could literally explain to her the small things about their projects. She felt that the children’s concepts were very clear which is very important in understanding social studies. The concept of social studies in this school is very clear.

Arpita Ma’am expressed her feelings for the young children who had stayed back in school due to this exhibition. She is happy that this has worked out fine. 


Aditya Dinesh of class 9 D and his group made a project based on a future village in the year 2030. The project has 3 parts that is solar, wind and hydel energy. This project shows the future resources after our earth’s non−renewable resources run out. This is by powering cities with solar energy, wind energy and hydel energy. This project gives a preview of how our earth will survive after our non – renewable resources run out.   
Middle School projects:
Bricks, buttons and wheels.
The students of class 3rd were very enthusiastic to do the projects. We could see the happiness of the children on their faces.  Basically the topic “Bricks, buttons and wheels” signifies types of houses, varieties of clothes and different means of transport. 
The students of 3rd did a really good job and depicted many wonderful exhibits. One of the projects made by a student of 3rd grade presented “DRESSES OF PEOPLE ACROSS THE WORLD”.  There were Indian, Pakistani, Qatari and English dolls. The Indian dolls wore beautiful saris and the boy dolls wore nice kurtas. Some of the dolls were bought from India made by a tailor in India who makes wooden dolls. 
Many of the students made projects related to different “Means of Transport”. They were made up of wood purchased from India. The students combined the pieces of wood to make ships; trains etc .The students of the 3rd grade got the idea from their teachers. Their parents also helped them.


The students put a lot of effort and made very good projects. Their projects were accompanied by charts. The judges had a tough time judging.
 Amazing and Diverse Earth 
Earth is a really diverse planet and no matter how much we know about it, it is always interesting to know more about it. The students of class 4th aptly demonstrated the diverseness of the earth- through the different monuments of the earth, the physical divisions of India and the deserts of Arabia.

All the class 4th students did exclusively well. Their hard work really paid off and their projects were showered with compliments by teachers as well as students of other grades. The explanation provided by the students was also very informative. 
One of the projects presented by a 4th class student portrayed her creativeness by displaying the various spices, fruits and vegetables found on the earth in some samples. This was comparatively different from all the other students. Many of the students were also pleased to show the major divisions of the earth which they’d done on thermocol sheets by painting all the divisions in many colourful colors and some of them also passed different types of pulses on the major physical divisions of the Earth. Overall, the class 4th exhibition was a success with its very pleasing display of different sized models, sculptures and charts. 


A script of dots
 Students of 5th Standard also got an amazing topic- Advancement in Communication. Students made models illustrating the leaps in communication over the past years. Students made models on computers, telephones and other important means of communication which are very important in today’s world for communication. 
The children made elaborate keyboards and charts with the Braille script on it. Some children even made booklets depicting the different alphabets of the English language. Many of the children displayed the Braille scripts using a variety of smiley emoticons, beads and bulletin board pins. 
Students of 5th made a delicate model on the Polar Regions complete with snow and igloos. All their models were very realistic. Along with class 4th class 5th also they made a model on the desert regions.
Sunita Ma’am and Shivani Ma’am, the teacher in-charges also helped the children a lot in preparing these projects. 

Shivani Ma’am noted that it was a great opportunity for students to do something out of the box and that students while working on their projects actually learn something with a hand to hand experience and that people working on these projects had a great learning experience.
The Middle School students were anxious to show off their creations to the judges. The models were all brilliant but here are a few of the best from each grade.
 Imprints of Civilization

The sixth graders prepared various models on the imprints of civilization. One of the best models was a model of the ancient Harappan civilization. There were models of the jewelry they used to sell. There were also models of the remains of the civilization. The light house of Alexandra was also depicted in the model. It was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. 
Dreams Carved in Stone.
Discoveries over the world have shown that human beings have always strived to portray their ‘then’ dominant emotion into creative art which they thought would last even after their own lifetime…whether it be the violent id-driven primal killings essayed into cave paintings by the early men, or the numerous beautiful sculptures spread over the world expressing softer and edifying emotions like the Taj Mahal or the Ankhorvat…burning examples of dreams carved in stone!
The learners of the seventh grade have shown unparalleled art and craftsmanship in the making of various working and architectural models, both in History and Geography as well as creative charts which brought forth their zeal and curiosity  in the  subject of social sciences. 

There were a plethora of display from which to choose from and the external judges candidly confessed their sadness in choosing one from the other. Near Perfect ‘Bonsais’ of Ankhorvat, Raja Rajeshwara Temple, Qutab Minar, Gol Gumbuz and the Colosseum jostled for the first place. Working models of the water cycle and atmospheric cross sections nudged for the zenith with moulds of Precipitation and Tides. Everyone who were fortunate to witness their demonstration were not only taken in by the workmanship of the little ‘Angelo’s and ‘Da Vinci’s, they were pleasantly surprised with their oratory skills as well. As the afternoon merged into evening, a deluge of parents milled the exhibition hall, and applauded wholeheartedly at not only their own, but every child’s enterprise. 
The children had seized the day!
The announcement of the Social Science exhibition generated an excitement and enthusiasm among the students to be a part of the event. This came out in the form of a huge number of exhibits- charts and models, related to various topics from history, geography and environment education. The exhibits ranged from the Jallianwala bagh, Dandi March to the Gandhian Charkha, from soil profile to World vegetation types, from water harvesting to hydel power plants, solar energy, wind energy , etc.

The enthusiasm did not stop here. The judges were impressed by the in depth and factual information provided by the students as they explained their exhibit. The exhibition was open for the parents in the evening from 4pm to 8pm but the visitors were flowing in till 9pm. Each and every visitor appreciated the hard work of the students and their confidence. All in all, the exhibition brought out the best among the participants and inspired others to be a part of the next Social Science Exhibition 2012.

Sixth, seventh and eighth grade showed some amazing potential. It is amazing to know that these students are the worlds tomorrow. Everything was delicate, detailed and intricate. The students outdid themselves.
High School Freshmen
The 9th grade exhibition projects were something! There was a model on chain reaction by a group of pupils. It was spectacular and went exactly as planned (It also resulted in a pre planned explosion which you will know more about in the CasuaL Observer’s report.)

There was the working model where Jacob, achyut, karan and group which made a rocket reach about 20 feet above the ground. The topics for their models were The World Wars, Hitler, Runes, Clothing, as well as Revolutions and Movements. Most students thought that learning out of the book indeed proves to be very boring for many students, and such exhibitions help people to learn something in a different way, and that when people do these projects, and learn about new things, and when they share their knowledge with others, ultimately it proves to be a great learning experience for all the people involved in the exhibition.
M2= Money Matters

This is the first time DPS-MIS Doha has conducted a commerce exhibition and it was a big hit. The students of class 11th and 12th made the models with untiring effort and enthusiasm. Their models were very creative and innovative like the ‘Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)’ and the working model ‘Accounting Equation’. 


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Special Thanks
This exhibition was a big hit. This would not have been a great success without the help of some great people. We give our sincere thanks to Mattu Ma’am  for inspiration & guidance .
We thank Marie Luthra Ma’am for her support, help & guidance. We also thank Amit Sir  for spending his valueable time. His magical skills has made this exhibition vibrant. We  also thank  Madhu Ma’am, Gareema Ma’am & Patra Sir  for their dedication  & support.
We cannot forget to thank Mr Adam for providing transport for the teachers nor the drivers Sarfraz , Kaleem, Rafiq, & the Maids- Lyn &  Sandra for helping the teachers to arrange the models.

We also thank our teachers Mrs Jaishree Sethupatti &  Mrs. Sarbjeet Kaur  & all the co ordintors  for their input, suggestions and their work in decorating the hall. We really appericiate your love & help. We cannot also forget to thank Mrs. Mou Bera  for eagerly coming forward to encourage the students to submit their environment projects. 
We thank Qatar Tribune for taking time off & reporting our exhibition.
We thank our Chief Guest – Adil Eltigani, Judges- Mr Venkatswaralu D , Ms. Shafiq Jahan, Ms. Shakil Ahmed Kakir, Mr. Mohammed Shafi Sherif, Mrs. Vidyavathi Nardanan, Mrs. Jayalakshmi P, Mrs. Neebha Hussain, Mrs Kanaka Sathy Nair, Mrs Jasmine T Varghese &  our management member Mr. Rocky Fernandes for spending their precious time with us.

This exhibition would not have been  possible without the help of some volunteers of Class IX  & Class XII (new batch). The students from Class IX – Adam, Karan, Shaleen, Tabish Khan, Aditiya D, Aditiya C, Jacob, Clement, Achyut, George, Sourabh, Nihar, Varun , Sebestian J, Denise, Aryenish, Ananya, Mallika, Nita, Sania, Nikita & Class XII ( new batch)- Geetha, Sahil, Maria, Divya, Alan, Vibutesh, Wayne, Lizanne,& Hussian.
This smashing magazine was made possible by the efforts of DPS Press – Nita , Mallika, Sania, Denise, Aditya  C, Tabish Khan, Adam, Nikita, Ananya, Sourabh & Jacob.
Casual Observer’s Report
The exhibition was calm, peaceful and serene until……..a big bang was heard at one end of the hall. People rushed to the spot to determine what had happened. It turned out that the noise was made by some working model of a student involving ping-pong balls being caught by mouse trap. 
While roaming through the crowds I noticed a disorder somewhere near the entrance. A boy had fallen over the sphinx model and wrecked it. He exclusively told the casual observer that he had been pushed from behind and was thus, unable to see the assailant. The model was fixed somehow and its appearance made acceptable. 
One certain model about the underground geysers caused annoyance to the cleaners as it constantly sprinkled water on the pearl hall floor. Later the group themselves mopped the floor after each appearance. 
 Teachers, judges, students and parents were very impressed with the beam balance working model of the accounting equation. 
The students in the commerce section did a lot of “TIME-PASS” by clicking photos of each other. 

One father, who preferred to remain anonymous, pointed out a flaw in the safety of the exhibition. He noticed that there was only one entrance to the hall the other entrances were either covered with charts, blocked by models or inconspicuous. 
In the commerce section, many hungry students were found drifting towards the vending machine which housed quite a few tempting goodies. 
The parents were very impressed with the creativity of the children in making the maps of India. He said “it is only one map. But, just see how the students have shown it in different manner each time. Some with beans, pulses, colors, drawings, papers, etc……”
One parent told was extremely happy when the junior head girl explained the model about 6th sense technology. (For more info see pranav mistry on the internet). 


Aditya Chaturvedi
Denise D’Souza
Mohammad Tabish Khan
Adam Abdul Majeed
Sania Gesudraz
Aryenish Vasuna

Malika Singh
Varun Nagarajan
Jacob John Johnson
T Nitika
Ananya Subramani

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