"Everyone should learn how to program, because it teaches you how to think".-Steve Jobs
On June 8th, 2022, the directors of the computer club at DPS-Modern Indian School— Keren John, Varshaa Balasubramanium, and Sushrut Patil—conducted a workshop on "Basics of Python-I". The session began with an introduction of coding and its relevancy, followed by an explanation of what are variables in Python with examples.
In this session the members were made aware of the different coding languages and why we should learn python. The members learnt how to download python, what are variables and the rules for creating variable names.
Following this, the members were introduced to 'Variables-Object References' in which they learnt how to create multiple assignment, orphaned object, and lifetime of an object. They also gained an understanding of the different ways to swap variables in python.
The meeting concluded on a high note with an interactive quiz and Q/A session for the members where they all got to summarise the content they acquired during the session.