"You can have data without information, but you cannot have information without data". -Daniel Moran
On September 7th, 2022, the directors of the computer club at DPS-Modern Indian School— Keren John, Varshaa Balasubramanium, and Sushrut Patil—conducted an educational workshop on "Cryptography". The session began with an introduction to the field of cryptography and code-breaking, followed by an explanation of its significance in both the past and today using real-life examples and historical events
This was followed by a lesson on encryption and decryption where the students learnt how to encode and decode messages using the shift cipher, substitution cipher and permutation cipher and learnt the advantages and drawbacks of each.
Succeeding this, the students were introduced to the breakthrough in the world of Cryptography in World War II as they learnt about the working of ‘The Enigma’, a machine used by Nazi Germany for sophisticated encryption, and the efforts and successes of Alan Turing in breaking codes encrypted by this machine. They also grasped the concept of ‘Brute Force Attack’ used in many current day applications.
The meeting ended on a high note with an interactive Q/A session for the members where they all got to encapsulate the decrypting methods learnt during the session.