Computer Club Workshop Empowers Students in EV3 Lego Robot Programming on topics of Movements and Sensors.
"Technology is the canvas of young minds, where innovation becomes their masterpiece."
On September 27th, 2023, the School's Computer Club conducted an engaging and educational workshop on EV3 Lego Robot Programming. Led by the club's directors, Kamali Ramesh, Aaditya Shukla, Abaan Shanid, Pragati Krishna and Aayush Rajagopalan, and the supervision of Teacher In-Charge, Mr. Avishek Jha, the workshop aimed to equip students with essential skills in robotics and coding, fostering their interest in this exciting field.
The workshop commenced with a thorough recap of the previous session, ensuring that all participants had a solid foundation. Students quickly delved into the world of EV3 Lego robots, starting with basic forward and backward movements. They learned how to create programs that guided the robot's driving base efficiently, enabling it to navigate various terrains.
Introduction of Sensors played a pivotal role in the workshop, with an in-depth exploration of ultrasonic and color sensors. Students learned to code the ultrasonic sensor to measure distances and use the color sensor to detect and respond to colors. A key takeaway by the club member was the understanding of the application of the color sensor in a challenging color maze.
This workshop not only equipped Computer Club Students with technical skills but also encouraged creativity, and critical thinking. It ignited their passion for robotics and coding, opening doors to exciting possibilities in the digital age.
The School's Computer Club remains committed to nurturing young talents in the field of technology, and this workshop was a testament to its dedication. We look forward to more such engaging and educational events in the future.